title: What will be included in Drupal CMS?
date: 2024-11-08
permalink: daily/2024/11/08/what-will-be-included-in-drupal-cms
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php
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  Could things like Drush and Pathauto be included in Drupal CMS?

In yesterday's email, I wondered [whether Drush should be added to Drupal core][0].

I've used Drush for as long as I've used Drupal so, to me, it would be an obvious thing to consider.

The Pathauto module is another thing that I use on every Drupal project and could be another good candidate.

With the recent Starshot initiative and recently-named "Drupal CMS" project, could we see things like these added to that if not to Drupal core?

It'll be interesting to see how both the Drupal and Drupal CMS projects evolve, what will be the same and what will be different.

[0]: {{site.url}}/daily/2024/11/07/should-drush-be-in-drupal-core