title: >
    PHP in Neovim
date: 2024-01-05
permalink: daily/2024/01/05/php-in-neovim
snippet: |-
    Yesterday, I posted some screenshots on Twitter of my upcoming automated testing email course and my PHP code in Neovim.
    - software-development
    - php
    - vim
    - neovim

Yesterday, I posted a screenshot from my [automated testing in Drupal email course][atdc] on Twitter as a sneak peek of what's included.

Here it is again:

![Screenshot of a lesson from my automated testing email course]({{site.assets.url}}/assets/images/php-neovim-1.png)

I also posted a screenshot of the accompanying code in my text editor, Neovim, which had a few likes.

![Screenshot of Drupal code in Neovim]({{site.assets.url}}/assets/images/php-neovim-2.png)

Since July 2021, I've used Neovim as my daily driver for writing all my code, which I spoke about during my [Working without Workspace talk].

You can also see my NixOS-based [dotfiles on GitHub](https://github.com/opdavies/dotfiles) which contains my Neovim configuration.

Register now to find out when the email course is live, or [read the first lesson][first lesson].

[atdc]: {{site.url}}/atdc
[first lesson]: {{site.url}}/archive/2023/12/25/zero-to-test
[working without workspace talk]: {{site.url}}/talks/working-without-workspace