title: Override Node Options is used on 40,624 Drupal websites
date: 2024-03-09
permalink: archive/2024/03/09/override-node-options-40624-drupal-websites
    - software-development
    - drupal
    - php
cta: testing_course
snippet: |
    As of the 3rd of March, the Override Node Options module is used on 40,624 Drupal websites.

In my [Test-Driven Drupal talk slides][talk], I show a screenshot of a tweet from February 2012 by Tim Millwood asking if anyone wanted to maintain the Override Node Options module.

I said yes and took over maintainership.

In April 2012, the module was installed on 9,212 Drupal websites - just over 7,000 Drupal 6 websites and just over 2,000 Drupal 7 websites.

Before DrupalCon Lille, the module was used on 38,096 websites and was 173rd in the most used modules.

As of the 3rd of March, the Override Node Options module is used on 40,624 Drupal websites and is up to the 169th most used module.

That's pretty cool!

[talk]: {{site.url}}/talks/tdd-test-driven-drupal