--- layout: default title: Talks meta: description: 'Information about previous and upcoming talks that Oliver has presented at conferences and user groups' talks: - { date: 2015-04-08, location: PHPSW, title: Drupal 8, title_suffix: (lightning talk), title_link: https://joind.in/talk/view/14380 } - { date: 2015-07-25, location: DrupalCamp North, title: Test Drive Twig with Sculpin, title_link: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/test-drive-twig-with-sculpin } - { date: 2015-08-25, location: Umbraco Bristol, title: Drupal } - { date: 2015-11-01, location: Accessible Bristol, title: Accessible Drupal, fuzzy_date: true } - { date: 2015-11-01, location: Unified Diff, title: Building Static Websites with Sculpin, fuzzy_date: true } --- {% block body_classes 'page--talks page--talks__list' %} {% block content %}


I regularly speak at conferences and user groups about a range of subjects including Drupal, Sculpin and Git. If you would like to me to speak at your group or conference, please get in touch.

There is also information about events that I’ve attended and spoken at on my Lanyrd and Joind.in profiles.

{% set now = 'now'|date('U') %} {% set talks = page.talks %} {% set found = false %} {% set year = '0' %} {% set new_year = false %} {% for talk in talks if talk.date >= now %} {% if loop.first %}

Upcoming Talks

{% endif %} {% set this_year %}{{ talk.date|date('Y') }}{% endset %} {% if this_year != year %} {% if new_year %} {# Close the list for the previous year. #} {% endif %} {% set found = true %} {% set year = this_year %}

{{ this_year }}

{% endif %} {% set found = false %} {% set year = '0' %} {% set new_year = false %} {% for talk in talks|reverse if talk.date < now %} {% if loop.first %}

Previous Talks

{% endif %} {% set this_year %}{{ talk.date|date('Y') }}{% endset %} {% if this_year != year %} {% if new_year %} {# Close the list for the previous year. #} {% endif %} {% set year = this_year %} {% set found = true %}

{{ this_year }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}