layout: page
title: Press Info

{% import "_macros" as macros %}

The following information is provided as a cut-and-paste resource for conference organisers, media professionals, podcast hosts, and other interested parties.

Please feel free to use anything here as-is without checking with me first. If you have additional questions, you can <a href="mailto:{{ site.email }}">email me directly</a>.

## Short Bio

Oliver is a Software Developer and Drupal expert with {{ macros.yearsOfExperience }} years experience. He specialises in code quality, automated testing and test-driven development.

## Sample Topics

* Getting started in software development, Drupal, or open-source software.
* Building your first Drupal website.
* Drupal module and theme development.
* Automated testing and test-driven development (TDD).
* Static analysis in PHP applications.
* Utility-first styling and Tailwind CSS.
* Git and different ways to use it (continuous integration, trunk-based development).
* Contributing to open-source software.

## Social Media and Elsewhere

* [Drupal.org][drupal]
* [GitHub][]
* [LinkedIn][]
* [Twitter][]

## Physical Location

[Caerleon, Wales](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Caerleon,+Newport)

## Photo


[drupal]: https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies
[github]: https://github.com/opdavies
[linkedin]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/opdavies
[twitter]: https://twitter.com/opdavies