--- layout: page title: Hi, PHP UserGroup Munich! --- {% block head_meta %} <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> {% endblock %} {% block content %} Thanks for attending my talk on [Build Configs](/build-configs). [These are the slides](/talks/building-build-configs) I presented and the example video: {% include 'youtube-video' with { id: 'LkhsdmxReUc'} %} From nothing to a working Drupal 10 website in less than a minute! If you have any further questions, let me know. ## Can we work together? [Get in touch](/contact) if you're interested in using Build Configs-based managed configuration files in your projects (I offer one-off implementations or ongoing updates via a subscription), you need an in-house tool built for your team, or if we can [work together another way](/pricing). ## While you're here Why not join my [daily email list](/daily) or register for my [free email course](/atdc) on automated testing in Drupal? Oliver {% endblock %}