date: 2024-02-10
topic: Twig, Symfony and SymfonyCasts
  - Ryan Weaver
  id: f276e486
  - - Symfony
    - https://symfony.com
  - - SymfonyCasts
    - https://symfonycasts.com
  - - Symfony UX
    - https://ux.symfony.com
  - - Twig
    - https://twig.symfony.com
  - - Twig Components
    - https://ux.symfony.com/twig-component
  - - Composer
    - https://getcomposer.org
  - - 'Symfony: The Fast Track'
    - https://symfony.com/book
  - - SymfonyCasts Blog
    - https://symfonycasts.com/blog
  - - Ryan on Twitter
    - https://twitter.com/weaverryan
  - - Ryan on GitHub
    - https://github.com/weaverryan
  - - Ryan on YouTube
    - https://www.youtube.com/@weaverryan
episode_filename: 10-symfonycasts.mp3
file_size: 26892969
duration: 0:53:59
use: [podcast_episodes]

This week, Oliver is joined by Ryan Weaver - Symfony Developer, Symfony core team member and Writer for SymfonyCasts to discuss the recent developments in Twig templates, SymfonyCasts, release cycles, and similarities between the Drupal and Symfony projects and communities.