--- layout: default title: Talks meta: description: 'Information about previous and upcoming talks that Oliver has presented at conferences and user groups' talks: - title: So, what is this Drupal thing? date: 2012-09-05 location: unified.diff - title: Drupal LDAP module date: 2013-07-10 location: SWDUG - title: Never Commit to Master: An Introduction to Git Flow date: 2014-03-01 location: DrupalCamp London 2014 - title: drush make drupalbristol date: 2014-07-02 location: Bristol DUG - title: About the Drupal Association date: 2014-08-19 location: SWDUG - title: Drupal.org in 2015: What’s Coming Next date: 2015-01-18 location: DrupalCamp Brighton 2015 - title: Drupal.org in 2015: What’s Coming Next date: 2015-02-28 location: DrupalCamp London 2015 - title: Drupal 8 (Lightning Talk) date: 2015-04-08 location: PHPSW - title: Test Drive Twig with Sculpin date: 2015-07-24 location: DrupalCamp North 2015 - title: Sculpin date: 2015-08-21 location: unified.diff --- {% block body_classes 'page--talks page--talks__list' %} {% block content %}


I regularly speak at conferences and user groups about a range of subjects relating to Drupal, PHP and web development. If you would like to me to speak at your group or conference, please get in touch.

{% set now = 'now'|date('U') %} {% set talks = page.talks|reverse %} {% set found = false %} {% set year = '0' %} {% for talk in talks|reverse if talk.date >= now %} {% set found = true %} {% if loop.first %}

Upcoming Talks

{% endif %} {% set this_year %}{{ talk.date|date('Y') }}{% endset %} {% if this_year != year %}

{{ this_year }}

{% set year = this_year %} {% endif %} {{ talk.title }}
{% endfor %} {% if found %} {% endif %} {% set found = false %} {% for talk in talks if talk.date < now %} {% if loop.first %}

Previous Talks

{% endif %} {% set this_year %}{{ talk.date|date('Y') }}{% endset %} {% if this_year != year %}

{{ this_year }}

{% set year = this_year %} {% endif %} {{ talk.title }}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %}