title: Drupal 7.100.2
date: 2024-05-07
permalink: archive/2024/05/07/drupal-7-100-2
    - software-development
    - drupal
    - php
cta: d7eol
snippet: |
    We made it to Drupal 7.100!

In [April 2023][post], I wondered if we'd see a 7.100 release of Drupal.

I just noticed that we did.

It was released on the 6th of March.

From the release notes:

> Maintenance release of the Drupal 7 series. Includes bug fixes and small API/feature improvements only (no major, non-backwards-compatible new functionality). Unusually, this release does include a new core module.

This is also the first Drupal release to be affected by the Year 2000 problem, a.k.a. the Y2K problem, or the Millennium Bug:

> Note that this is the first Drupal 7 release with 3 digits. If you receive a report that your version of Drupal is over a decade out of date, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2000_problem.

According to the usage figures on Drupal.org, there are at least 316,843 active Drupal 7 websites and, with only 243 days left until D7 is end-of-life, hopefully most of them will be upgrading to Drupal 10 (or 11) soon.

If you're stuck on Drupal 7, I can help! Reply to this email and let's start a conversation.

[post]: {{site.url}}/archive/2023/04/30/will-we-see-drupal-7-100