title: Over 100 ATDC subscribers
date: 2024-04-11
permalink: daily/2024/04/11/over-100-atdc-subscribers
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php
  - automated-testing
  - test-driven-development
cta: ~
snippet: |
  Over 100 people have taken my automated testing in Drupal email course!

Since launching my Automated Testing in Drupal email course, over 100 people have subscribed and received the free ten daily lessons where I explain how to start from scratch to build a Drupal module with automated tests and test-driven development.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the course so far and those who have provided feedback.

Automated testing and test-driven development were game changers for me and enabled me to deliver better projects.

If you'd like to take the course and learn how to do automated testing in Drupal, you can [register for free][register] and get them direct to your inbox.

[register]: {{site.url}}/atdc