title: Rector is not just for Drupal
date: 2024-04-13
permalink: daily/2024/04/13/rector-is-not-just-for-drupal
    - software-development
    - drupal
    - php
cta: ~
snippet: |
    Why spend time doing manual tasks that can be automated? Instead, save time by using tools like Rector.

I like framework-agnostic tools.

I like to reuse knowledge and tools across projects, whether I'm working with Drupal, Symfony, Laravel or Sculpin.

Rector is one of those tools.

[Yesterday] I said I use it to create automatic updates to my Drupal module code, but it can be used for other PHP projects, too.

If you're upgrading a PHP library and want to use promoted constructor properties, for example, Rector can do that for you - and a lot more.

You define which rules or presets you want to use, run Rector on the code, and it will make those changes.

Having Rector do this work leaves me free to stay focused on other tasks.

[yesterday]: {{site.url}}/archive/2024/04/12/drupal-rector-and-the-project-update-bot