--- title: Submit your session proposal for DrupalCon Europe date: 2025-03-09 permalink: daily/2025/03/09/submit-your-session-proposal-for-drupalcon-europe tags: - software-development - drupal - drupalcon cta: ~ snippet: | The call for session proposals is currently open for DrupalCon Europe. Have you submitted yours? --- The call for session proposals is currently open for DrupalCon Europe, which is happening in Vienna this October. The tracks are slightly different this year. The tracks are: - Agency & Business. - Coding & Site Building. - Community Health. - Clients & Industry Experience. - Drupal CMS. - InfoSec & DevOps. - Open Web. I'm happy to be on the Coding & Site Building track team this year, having been on the Makers & Builders track previously. The call for proposals is open until the 28th of April, but feel free to [get your session proposal in now][0]. For more information and blog posts from the track teams, go to . If you're submitting to the Coding & Site Building track, I'll look forward to reading your proposal. [0]: https://kuonicongress.eventsair.com/drupalcon-vienna-2025/session-submission-portal