title: Back to live streaming
date: 2024-03-01
permalink: archive/2024/03/01/back-to-live-streaming
    - software-development
    - live-streaming
    - symfony
    - php
cta: subscription
snippet: |
    This week, I did my first coding live stream in around two years - working on my Symfony-based Build Configs tool.

Today, after saying I wanted to get back into it, I did my first live coding stream in over two years.

I spent around an hour and a half working on [Build Configs] - a Symfony command line application I wrote to generate build configuration files.

To learn more about it, I [gave a meetup talk][talk] about it recently.

On stream, I explained what Build Configs is, added a `--dry-run` option that prevents any files from being created and started to look again at Behat to see how I might use it to test the app's functionality.

I want to do at least one stream a week going forward. Most likely, it will be on Friday afternoons.
You can [watch the full stream][video] on YouTube now. I'll split it into sections this week and upload some lightly edited versions to the same channel.

I won't post a link to every video here, so please subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when I go live next.

[build configs]: {{site.url}}/build-configs
[talk]: {{site.url}}/talks/building-build-configs
[video]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlkcf1PLWN8