title: Pair program with me
price: 499
link: https://savvycal.com/opdavies/pair

{% block content %}

{% import 'macros' as macros %}

{# Pain #}

<p>Are you stuck adding a new feature or fixing a bug?</p>

<p>Do you need help starting a new Drupal module or theme?</p>

<p>Would you like another pair of eyes on your code, providing real-time suggestions and feedback rather than waiting for a code review?</p>

{# Dream #}

{# Fix #}

<h2>Book a pair programming session</h2>

<p>What if you could have a pair programming session with a Lead Developer and Drupal Expert with {numberOfYears} years of professional experience?</p>

<p>Book a 2-hour pair programming call, and we can work on your code together - adding new functionality, fixing bugs, writing tests for existing code, or something else.</p>

<p>Price: £{{ page.price|number_format }}</p>

{# 1st call to action #}

{% include 'button.html.twig' with {
  text: 'Book your session now',
  url: page.link,
} %}

{# Social proof #}

{% include 'testimonials.html.twig' %}

{# Overcome objections #}

<h2>100% money-back guarantee!</h2>

<p>If you don't find the session valuable, just let me know, and I'll refund 100% of the cost.</p>

{# Uniqueness #}

<h2>Who am I?</h2>

  <li>I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal expert with {{ macros.yearsExperience }} years of professional development experience.</li>
  <li>I'm a former Drupal Association employee who was responsible for improving and maintaining Drupal.org.</li>
  <li>I'm a Drupal core contributor and maintain numerous Drupal projects, including the Override Node Options module, which is used on over 38,000 websites.</li>
  <li>I'm a multiple-time DrupalCon speaker who regularly presents talks and workshops at conferences and meetups.</li>

{# 2nd CTA #}

{% embed 'callout.html.twig' with {
  title: 'Ready to book your session?',
} %}
  {% block callout_content %}
    {% include 'button.html.twig' with {
      text: 'Book your session now for £' ~ page.price|number_format ~ ' &rarr;',
      url: page.link,
    } %}

    <p class="mb-0">You can pay and reserve your time slot straight away. There are a limited number of available slots each month. If, after the call, you decide to do a longer engagement with me, the cost of this call will be deducted from that engagement.</p>
  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

{# Urgency #}

<h2>Availability is limited</h2>

<p>I’m only available for a few pair programming sessions per month.</p>
<p>Scheduling is first come, first served, so the sooner you book your time slot, the sooner you will have the answers you need to move your project forward.</p>

{% endblock %}