title: Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs
date: 2024-03-30
permalink: daily/2024/03/30/leaving-a-trail-of-breadcrumbs
  - software-development
  - git
cta: ~
snippet: |
  A commit log is like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for yourself as you work on a task.

A great thing about committing often is that you leave a trail of breadcrumbs for yourself, and you can easily find your way back.

If you are trying to get a test to pass or fix a bug and you get a bit lost, you can see what you've changed since your last commit instead of everything since you started working on your task.

If needed, you can discard your changes and reset to your last working commit to try again, similar to using the "test and commit or revert" approach.

If I commit too often, I can squash them before pushing.

If I don't commit often enough, I can regret not committing more regularly if I get stuck or lost.

I'd rather do the former.