title: >
  Don't just rewrite. Re-invent.
pubDate: 2023-12-08
permalink: >-
  - software-development
  - neovimconf

A quote that stuck out to me from today's Neovimconf conference was this by Björn Linse (aka bfredl):

> Don't just rewrite. Re-invent.
> If you're going to start over from scratch, reconsider everything.

This was in the context of what would be added to the core editor, what would be delegated to plugins, etc, but this also applies to other things.

I'm discussing with someone whether to build a new Drupal theme or keep iterating on the existing one.

If they start from scratch, they can re-invent and re-consider everything and decide which parts of the existing theme to reuse and which to leave and re-create.