#!/usr/bin/env bash function clean { rm -fr output_*/ source/build/ } # Create a new daily email. function create-daily { local date="${1}" local title="${2}" if [ "${date}" == "next" ]; then next_date=$(ls -1 source/_daily_emails | tail -n 1 | tr -d '.md' | xargs -I {} date +%Y-%m-%d -d '{} +1 day') else next_date="${date}" fi filepath="source/_daily_emails/${next_date}.md" shift 1 # Generate the title and slug. title="${*}" slug=$(echo "${title}" | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | \ sed 's/[^a-z0-9]/-/g' | \ sed 's/\-\-+/-/g' | \ sed 's/^\-//;s/\-$//') # Create the file. cp -f --no-clobber stub.md "${filepath}" date=$(date -d "${next_date}" +%Y-%m-%d) day=$(date -d "${next_date}" +%d) month=$(date -d "${next_date}" +%m) year=$(date -d "${next_date}" +%Y) # Replace the placeholders. sed -i "s/{{ date }}/${date}/" "${filepath}" sed -i "s/{{ title }}/${title}/" "${filepath}" sed -i "s#{{ permalink }}#daily/${year}/${month}/${day}/${slug}#" "${filepath}" # Create a commit with the appropriate date in the message git add "${filepath}" git commit --quiet -m "Add daily email for ${date} ${title}" echo "${filepath}" } function npm:build:css { local args=() if [[ "${NODE_ENV:-}" == "production" ]]; then args=(--minify) else args=(--watch) fi npx tailwindcss \ --config assets/tailwind.config.ts \ --output source/build/tailwind.css "${args[@]}" } function publish { export NODE_ENV=production export APP_ENV=production tag-release git push git stash clean npm:build:css generate rsync --archive --verbose --compress --update --delete \ output_prod/ ssh.oliverdavies.uk:/srv/oliverdavies.uk-sculpin git stash pop } function test { ./vendor/bin/phpunit "${@}" } # vim: ft=bash