title: Come for the software, stay for the community
date: 2024-04-08
permalink: daily/2024/04/08/come-for-the-software--stay-for-the-community
  - software-development
  - drupal
  - php
cta: ~
snippet: Come for the software, stay for the community

One of my favourite Drupal phrases is "Come for the software, stay for the community".

I started using Drupal so I could build a website for the Tae Kwon-Do school I was training at, and then started to get involved with the community online and at events, such as local meetups and conferences, such as DrupalCamps and DrupalCon.

I started to contribute code to Drupal core and contrib projects and was a contribution mentor at my first DrupalCon in Prague in 2017 as well as others since, helping first time Drupal contributors.

I've got jobs and projects from my involvement with the community, including working for the Drupal Association itself.

I've met people and travelled to places I otherwise wouldn't have because of the Drupal community, as well as the wider PHP, open source and software development communities,

I came to Drupal for the code, and stayed for the code and the community.