date: 2024-08-09
topic: LEGO, robotics and open-source software
  - Andy Hoang
  id: 82fb51bf
  - - Beyond Blocks website
    - https://www.beyondblocks.co.uk
  - - Open Web Alliance
    - https://www.drupal.org/association/blog/drupal-association-co-founds-the-open-website-alliance
  - - Open Source Initiative
    - https://opensource.org
talking_points: []
quotes: []
chapters: []
episode_filename: 18-lego-robotics.mp3
file_size: 25854381
duration: 0:51:06
use: [podcast_episodes]

This week, Oliver is joined by Andy Hoang. They discuss teaching children to code with LEGO and robotics, and how to leverage open-source software.