title: 16 years on Drupal.org
date: 2024-10-17
permalink: daily/2024/10/17/16-years-on-drupal-org
  - software-development
  - drupal
cta: ~
snippet: |
  I've been on Drupal.org for 16 years!
drupal_planet: true

As of today, [my user profile on Drupal.org][0] says I've been on it for 16 years.

Originally self-learning HTML and CSS to build a website for a Tae Kwon-Do School I used to train at, I later started to learn PHP and MySQL before trying Drupal after it was suggested to me in a response to a question on a forum (which was also built with Drupal).

Since then, I've done great things with Drupal and met many great people at different events.

I've even [started to interview some of them][1] on my podcast.

Here's to the next 16 years, and I'm very excited so see where Drupal and PHP go.

[0]: https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies
[1]: {{site.url}}/podcast