Include CSS Fonts by Using a SASS each Loop

18th November 2014

Using a file structure similar to this, organise your font files into directories, using the the font name for both the directory name and for the file names.

├── FuturaBold
│   ├── FuturaBold.eot
│   ├── FuturaBold.svg
│   ├── FuturaBold.ttf
│   └── FuturaBold.woff
├── FuturaBoldItalic
│   ├── FuturaBoldItalic.eot
│   ├── FuturaBoldItalic.svg
│   ├── FuturaBoldItalic.ttf
│   └── FuturaBoldItalic.woff
├── FuturaBook
│   ├── FuturaBook.eot
│   ├── FuturaBook.svg
│   ├── FuturaBook.ttf
│   └── FuturaBook.woff
├── FuturaItalic
│   ├── FuturaItalic.eot
│   ├── FuturaItalic.svg
│   ├── FuturaItalic.ttf
│   └── FuturaItalic.woff

Within your SASS file, start an @each loop, listing the names of the fonts. In the same way as PHP's foreach loop, each font name will get looped through using the $family variable and then compiled into CSS.

@each $family in FuturaBook, FuturaBold, FuturaBoldItalic, FuturaItalic {
  @font-face {
    font-family: #{$family};
    src: url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.eot');
    src: url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.woff') format('woff'),
         url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.svg##{$family}') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

When the CSS has been compiled, you can then use in your CSS in the standard way.

font-family: "FuturaBook";

Tags: compass, drupal-planet, fonts, sass

About the Author

Picture of Oliver

Oliver Davies is a Web Developer, System Administrator and Drupal specialist based in the UK. He is a Senior Developer at Microserve and also provides freelance consultancy services for Drupal websites, PHP applications and Linux servers.


Currently have limited part-time capacity

Currently no spare full-time capacity.