title: >
  Looking at LocalGov Drupal
pubDate: 2022-10-24
permalink: >-
  - drupal

Today, I've been looking at [LocalGov](https://localgovdrupal.org) - a Drupal distribution for building council websites, with a focus on code reuse and collaboration. 

After a few small changes, I was able to get it running based on my [Docker Examples](https://github.com/opdavies/docker-examples) repository.

As someone who has worked with one of the Councils who are now using the platform, and was involved in early similar discussions around code reuse and collaboration between Councils, this has been something that I've been keen to try for a while.

I was able to get a basic site running after a fresh installation, and was interested to explore how some of the functionality was built. I've recently been looking at implementing similar functionality to LocalGov's alert banners onto a project and will be able to gain some inspiration from that or will look into the LocalGov version could be used.

I was happy to find some initial ways to contribute back. I had an error during the installation which I was able to fix and assist with in the [LocalGov issue queue on Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org/project/localgov/issues/3307516#comment-14759989) by answering a support request, and after spotting a potential issue within the alert banner styling, [submitted a pull request with a fix](https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov_alert_banner/pull/225).

I like what the project is doing and agree with its goals, so hopefully I'll get an opportunity to use and contribute more in the future.