--- title: > tldr pubDate: 2022-11-22 permalink: >- daily/2022/11/22/tldr # tags: # - a # - b --- `tldr` is a command-line tool that I've been using a lot recently. Usually, on the command line, you'd use the `man` command to show a manual page for a certain command - like `man ls`. `tldr` is "a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages". After installing it, run `man tldr` or even `tldr tldr` to learn more about it. Then, run a command like `tldr ls` to get output for a specific command. I like that it shows a short description of what the command does, followed by a link to find out more information and then several valuable examples demonstrating the various options, flags, and arguments the command takes. For `ls`, it shows how to list one file per line, list hidden files, use a long format list, show human-readable size units, long format sorted by size or modification date, and only show directories. For commands like `tar`, `rsync`, and `scp` that I don't use that often or can't remember all of the different options, I like being able to see these examples and figure out what I need at that time.