diff --git a/source/_pages/drupalgive.md b/source/_pages/drupalgive.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29a81014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_pages/drupalgive.md
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title: My Drupal Contributions
+ -
+ name: Block ARIA Landmark Roles
+ machine_name: block_aria_landmark_roles
+ type: module
+ usage: 1346
+ stars: 16
+ -
+ name: Copyright Block
+ machine_name: copyright_block
+ type: module
+ usage: 2514
+ stars: 10
+ -
+ name: Feature Toggle Twig
+ machine_name: feature_toggle_twig
+ type: module
+ -
+ name: Layout Builder Extra Templates
+ machine_name: override_node_options
+ type: module
+ usage: 325
+ stars: 11
+ -
+ name: Null User
+ machine_name: null_user
+ type: module
+ usage: 5
+ stars: 4
+ -
+ name: System User
+ machine_name: system_user
+ type: module
+ -
+ name: Tailwind CSS Starter Kit
+ machine_name: tailwindcss
+ type: theme
+ usage: 260
+[This is my profile page on Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies) and these are some of the projects I maintain:
+ {% for project in page.modules|sort((a, b) => b.usage <=> a.usage) %}
+ -
+ {{ project.type|capitalize }}:
+ {{ project.name }}
+ {% if project.usage %}
+ - {{ project.usage|number_format }} websites
+ {%- if project.stars -%}
+ , {{ project.stars }} {{ project.stars == 1 ? 'star' : 'stars' }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+## Example Projects on GitHub
+- [Docker Example Drupal](https://github.com/opdavies/docker-example-drupal)
+- [Docker Example Drupal Commerce Kickstart](https://github.com/opdavies/docker-example-drupal-commerce-kickstart)
+- [Docker Example Drupal LocalGov](https://github.com/opdavies/docker-example-drupal-localgov)
+## Events
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCon Lille in October 2023.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCon Europe 2020 (online).
+- I was a workshop trainer at DrupalCamp NYC 2020 (online).
+- I was a workshop trainer at DrupalCamp London 2020 (online).
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCon Amsterdam in October 2019.
+- I was a contribution day mentor at DrupalCon Vienna 2017.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCamp Dublin 2017.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCamp Bristol 2016.
+- I was an organiser of DrupalCamp Bristol (2016, 2017, 2019).
+- I was a contribution day mentor at DrupalCon Los Angeles and Barcelona 2015.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCamp North 2015.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCamp Brighton 2015.
+- I was a contribution day mentor at DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014.
+- I was a speaker at DrupalCamp London (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019).
+- I was a volunteer at DrupalCamp London 2014.
+- I was a contribution day mentor at DrupalCon Prague 2013.
+- I was an organiser of the South Wales Drupal user group (SWDUG) and Drupal Bristol user group.
+## Other
+- I'm a Board Member of the [Drupal England and Wales Association](https://drupal-england-wales.github.io) (DEW).