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+# Speaker Info
+## Bio
+[Oliver Davies][1] ([@opdavies][2]) has been building websites and web applications since 2007 - primarily with Drupal, though also uses Symfony, Silex, Laravel and Sculpin. He is a Senior Developer at [Microserve][3], a Drupal core contributor and mentor, and an open source and contribution advocate.
+He regularly blogs and gives talks about web development and systems administration, maintains and contributes to various open source projects, and co-organises DrupalCamp Bristol as well as the Drupal Bristol and PHPSW user groups.
+## Photos
+## Some Events I’ve Spoken At
+- DrupalCamp Brighton 2015
+- DrupalCamp Bristol 2016
+- DrupalCamp Dublin 2017
+- DrupalCamp London (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
+- DrupalCamp North 2015
+- Nomad PHP
+- PHP North West 2017 (10 year anniversary)
+- PHP South Coast 2016
+- PHP UK Conference 2018
+[1]: {{site.url}}
+[2]: {{site.twitter.url}}
+[3]: {{site.companies[site.work.company].url}}