Standardised tags
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ slug: create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-1
- drupal-planet
- drupal-6
- Photo Gallery
- Views
- Sequel Pro
- Views Attach
- photo-gallery
- sql
- views
- sequel-pro
- cck
- views-attach
- drupal
Recently, I converted a client's static HTML website, along with their Coppermine Photo Gallery, into a Drupal-powered website.
@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ slug: create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-2
- drupal-planet
- drupal-6
- Photo Gallery
- Sequel Pro
- UNIX Timestamp
- photo-gallery
- sql
- sequel-pro
At the end of my last post, I'd finished creating the first part of the new photo gallery, but I wanted to change the dates of the published photos to reflect the ones on the client's original website.
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ slug: south-wales-drupal-user-group
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- swdug
- meetups
If you do Drupal, and you're in the area, come and join us for the first South Wales Drupal User Group Meetup!
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ slug: create-and-apply-patches
- drupal-planet
- drupal-6
- Modules
- Patch
- modules
- patches
Earlier this year, I posted a solution to [an issue]( on the issue queue. Originally, I just posted the code back onto the issue, but have now created a patch that can easily be applied to any Drupal 6 installation. Here is a run-through of the process of creating and applying a patch. In this case, I made changes to the `user_pass_validate()` function that's found within `modules/user/`.
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ nav: blog
- posts
slug: create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-3
- drupal
The next part of the new gallery that I want to implement is to group the galleries by their respective categories. The first step is to edit my original photo_gallery view and add an additional display.
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ nav: blog
- posts
slug: create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-21
- drupal
Today, I realised that I hadn't published the code that I used to create the total figures of galleries and photos at the top of the gallery (I said at the end of [Part 2](/blog/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-2 "Create a Better Photo Gallery in Drupal - Part 2") that I'd include it in [Part 3](/blog/create-better-photo-gallery-drupal-part-3 "Create a Better Photo Gallery in Drupal - Part 3"), but I forgot). So, here it is:
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ use:
- posts
slug: use-regular-expressions-search-and-replace-coda-or-textmate
- Taxonomy
- Sequel Pro
- Database
- Coda
- Regular Expression
- TextMate
- taxonomy
- sequel-pro
- database
- coda
- regular-expression
- textmate
As in [the original post](/blog/add-taxonomy-term-multiple-nodes-using-sql "Quickly adding a taxonomy term to multiple nodes using SQL"), I'd generated a list of node ID values, and needed to add structure the SQL update statment formatted in a certain way. However, I changed my inital query slightly to out put the same nid value twice.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ slug: easily-embed-typekit-fonts-your-drupal-website
- drupal-planet
- drupal-6
- TypeKit
- typekit
To begin with, you will need to [register for a TypeKit account]( - there is a free version if you just want to try it out.
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ nav: blog
- posts
slug: display-number-facebook-fans-php
- php
Replace the $page_id value with your Page ID number (unless you want to show the number of fans for this site).You can find your Page ID by logging into your Facebook account, going to 'Adverts and Pages', clicking 'Edit page', and looking at the URL.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
slug: proctor-stevenson
- Personal
- personal
2 weeks ago, I handed in my notice of resignation to [Horse & Country TV]( I've been offered a new role at [Proctor & Stevenson]( - a Marketing Design and Communications agency in Bristol.
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ nav: blog
- posts
slug: proctors-hosting-next-drupal-meetup
- meetups
- drupal-bristol
My employer, [Proctor & Stevenson](, are going to be hosting the next Bristol & South West Drupal meetup on the 25th May at our offices.
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ slug: create-multigroups-drupal-7-using-field-collections
- drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- Fields
- Field Collection
- Entity API
- Multigroup
- cck
- fields
- field-collection
- entity-api
- multigroup
One of my favourite things lately in Drupal 6 has been CCK 3, and more specifically, the Content Multigroups sub-module. Basically this allows you to create a fieldset of various CCK fields, and then repeat that multiple times. For example, I use it on this site whist creating invoices for clients. I have a fieldset called 'Line Item', containing 'Description', 'Quantity' and 'Price' fields. With a standard fieldset, I could only have one instance of each field - however, using a multigroup, I can create multiple groups of line items which I then use within the invoice.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
slug: install-and-configure-subversion-svn-server-ubuntu
- Ubuntu
- Version control
- svn
- ubuntu
- version-control
Recently, I needed to set up a Subversion (SVN) server on a Ubuntu Linux server. This post is going to outline the steps taken, and the commands used, to install and configure the service.
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use:
- posts
slug: use-authorized-keys-create-passwordless-ssh-connection
- Linux
- linux
- ssh
If you're accessing Linux servers or automating tasks between servers, rather than having to enter your user password every time, you can also use SSH public key authentication. This is a simple process that involves creating a local key and storing it within the *authorized_keys* file on the remote server.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
slug: installing-nagios-centos
- Nagios
- CentOS
- Linux
- nagios
- centos
- linux
A great post details that details the steps needed to install [Nagios]( - a popular open source system and network monitoring software application - on CentOS.
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ description: >
slug: adding-custom-theme-templates-drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- drupal
Today, I had a situation where I was displaying a list of teasers for news article nodes. The article content type had several different fields assigned to it, including main and thumbnail images. In this case, I wanted to have different output and fields displayed when a teaser was displayed compared to when a complete node was displayed.
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use:
- posts
slug: prevent-apache-displaying-text-files-within-web-browser
- Apache
- Code
- apache
- code
- drupal
When you download [Drupal](, there are several text files that are placed in the root of your installation. You don't want or need these to be visible to anyone attempting to view them in a browser - especially CHANGELOG.txt as that includes the exact version of Drupal you are running and could therefore have security implications. Rather than delete these files or change the file permissions manually for each file, I can add the following lines into my VirtualHost configuration:
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use:
- posts
slug: checkout-specific-revision-svn-command-line
- Version control
- svn
- version-control
If you're checking out the repository for the first time:
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ use:
slug: forward-one-domain-another-using-modrewrite-and-htaccess
- .htaccess
- Code
- code
- drupal
- Apache
- apache
- mod_rewrite
Within the mod_rewrite section of your .htaccess file, add the following lines:
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ use:
- posts
slug: writing-info-file-drupal-7-theme
- Theming
- - drupal-theming
- theming
- drupal-theming
- drupal
- Code
- code
name = My Theme
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ description: If you use a lot of process and preprocess functions within your Dr
slug: dividing-drupals-process-and-preprocess-functions-separate-files
- drupal
- Code
- Theming
- Preprocessing
- code
- theming
- preprocessing
If you use a lot of process and preprocess functions within your Drupal theme, then your template.php can get very long and it can become difficult to find a certain piece of code. Following the example of the [Omega theme]( "The Omega theme on"), I've started separating my process and preprocess functions into their own files. For example, mytheme_preprocess_node can be placed within a preprocess/ file, and mytheme_process_page can be placed within process/
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ use:
- posts
slug: install-nomensa-media-player-drupal
- Accessibility
- accessibility
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Nomensa
- nomensa
*The official documentation for this module is now located at <>. This post was accurate at the time of writing, whereas the documentation page will be kept up to date with any future changes.*
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ description: I'm absolutely delighted to announce that I'm going to be writing a
slug: writing-article-linux-journal
- drupal
- Distributions
- Installation Profiles
- Writing
- Linux Journal
- distributions
- installation-profiles
- writing
- linux-journal
I'm absolutely delighted to announce that I'm going to be writing an article for [Linux Journal]( magazine's upcoming Drupal special. The article is going to be entitled "Speeding Up Your Drupal Development Using Installation Profiles and Distributions" and will be mentioning existing distributions available on, but mainly focussing on the steps needed to create your own custom distribution. Needless to say, I'm quite excited about it!
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ tags:
- drupal
- drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- php
- aria
For reference, this is the code needed to display a menu in a Drupal 7 template file, including the navigation ARIA role.
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ use:
- posts
description: Yesterday evening I went to and spoke at the <a href="" title="UnifiedDiff">UnifiedDiff meetup</a> in Cardiff, having offered previously to do a presentation providing an introduction to Drupal.
slug: reflections-speaking-unifieddiff
- talks
Yesterday evening I went along and spoke at the [UnifiedDiff meetup]( in Cardiff, having offered previously to do a presentation providing an introduction to Drupal.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
description: <a href="" title="Sublime Text 2">Sublime Text 2</a> has been my text editor of choice for the past few months, and I use it at home, in work, and on any virtual machines that I run. So rather than having to manually re-enter my settings each time, I thought that I'd document them here for future reference.
- Sublime Text
- sublime-text
[Sublime Text 2]( has been my text editor of choice for the past few months, and I use it at home, in work, and on any virtual machines that I run. So rather than having to manually re-enter my settings each time, I thought that I'd document them here for future reference. These preferences ensure that the code is compliant with [Drupal coding standards]( "Drupal coding standards on") - using two spaces instead of a tab, no trailing whitespace, blank line at the end of a file etc.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
description: I'm happy to report that the Accessible Bristol was launched this week, on Drupal 7.
- Accessibility
- Accessible Bristol
- Nomensa
- accessibility
- accessible-bristol
- nomensa
I'm happy to report that the [Accessible Bristol]( website was launched this week, on Drupal 7. The site's been developed over the past few months, and uses the [User Relationships]( and [Privatemsg]( modules to provide a community-based platform where people with an interest in accessibility can register and network with each other.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
slug: open-sublime-text-2-mac-os-x-command-line
- Sublime Text
- Mac OS X
- Terminal
- sublime-text
- mac-os-x
- terminal
Paste the following code into the Mac OS X Terminal, assuming that you've installed Sublime Text 2 into the /Applications folder.
@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ use:
- posts
slug: use-sass-and-compass-drupal-7-using-sassy
- Compass
- compass
- css
- drupal
- drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- Preprocessing
- less
- preprocessing
- sass
I've recently started using [SASS]( rather than LESS to do my CSS preprocessing - namely due to its integration with [Compass]( and it's built-in CSS3 mixins. There are three modules that provide the ability to use SASS within Drupal:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ tags:
- drupal-6
- drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- php
I see this regularly when working on Drupal sites when someone wants to check whether the current user is logged in to Drupal (authenticated) or not (anonymous):
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags:
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- drupal-7
- Tokens
- tokens
This post outlines the steps required to create your own custom tokens in Drupal.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
slug: quickest-way-install-sublime-text-2-ubuntu
- Linux
- Sublime Text
- Ubuntu
- linux
- sublime-text
- ubuntu
After reading numerous blog posts about how to install [Sublime Text 2]( "Sublime Text 2") in [Ubuntu]( "Ubuntu"), this is definitely the quickest way! Just paste the following lines into your Terminal:
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
description: Yesterday was my last day working at Nomensa. Next week, I'll be starting as a Senior Developer at Precedent.
- Nomensa
- Precedent
- Personal
- nomensa
- precedent
- personal
Yesterday was my last day working at [Nomensa]( "Nomensa"). Next week, I'll be starting as a Senior Developer at [Precedent]( "Precedent").
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ slug: display-git-branch-or-tag-names-your-bash-prompt
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Git
- Terminal
- git
- terminal
Whilst watching []( "")'s recent [Introduction to Git series]( "Introduction to Git on"), I thought it was useful the way that the current Git branch or tag name was displayed in the bash prompt.
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use:
- posts
slug: some-useful-links-using-simpletest-drupal
- SimpleTest
- Test Driven Development
- simpletest
- tdd
- test-driven-development
- drupal-planet
- drupal
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ slug: creating-local-and-staging-sites-drupals-domain-module-enabled
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Databases
- Domain
- Table Prefixing
- databases
- domain
- table-prefixing
The [Domain Access project]( "The Domain Access project on") is a suite of modules that provide tools for running a group of affiliated sites from one Drupal installation and a single shared database. The issue is that the domains are stored within the database so these are copied across when the data is migrated between environments, whereas the domains are obviously going to change.
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use:
- posts
slug: going-drupalcon
- drupalCon
- Precedent
- drupalcon
- precedent
[Precedent]( are sending myself and two of our other Drupal Developers to [Drupalcon Prague](
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ description: How to quickly create a Zen sub-theme using Drush.
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Drush
- Zen
- Theming
- drush
- zen
- theming
First, download the [Zen]( "The Zen theme") theme if you haven't already done so.
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ nav: blog
- posts
- Drush
- drush
- drupal-planet
- php
There are times when doing Drupal development when you need to run a custom PHP script, maybe moving data from one field to another, that doesn't warrant the time and effort to create a custom module. In this scenario, it would be quicker to write a .php script and bootstrap Drupal to gain access to functions like `node_load()` and `db_query()`.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
description: Here are the basic commands that you need to adminster a virtual machine using <a href="" title="The Vagrant Home page">Vagrant</a>.
- Vagrant
- vagrant
[Vagrant]( "About Vagrant") is a tool for managing virtual machines within [VirtualBox]( from the command line. Here are some useful commands to know when using Vagrant:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
description: How to quickly download a patch file and apply it to a Git repository in one line
- Git
- git
- drupal-planet
Testing a patch file is usually a two-step process. First you download the patch file from the source, and then you run a separate command to apply it.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ slug: download-different-versions-drupal-drush
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Drush
- drush
If you use [Drush]( "About Drush"), it's likely that you've used the `drush pm-download` (or `drush dl` for short) command to start a new project. This command downloads projects from, but if you don't specify a project or type "drush dl drupal", the command will download the current stable version of Drupal core. Currently, this will be Drupal 7 with that being the current stable version of core at the time of writing this post.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ nav: blog
- posts
- Git
- git
Here are some bash aliases that I use and find helpful for quickly writing Git and Git Flow commands. These should be placed within your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` file:
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ use:
description: It's all booked, I'm going to be attending DrupalCamp London.
- drupal
- drupalCamp London
- Git
- Git Flow
- drupalcamp-london
- git
- git-flow
It's all booked, I'm going to be attending [DrupalCamp London](
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ use:
description: Slides and notes from my talk, "What is Git Flow?", that I presented at DrupalCamp London 2014.
slug: what-git-flow
- Git
- Git Flow
- drupalCamp London
- Talks
- git
- git-flow
- drupalcamp-london
- talks
tweets: true
Here are my slides from my "What is Git Flow?" session at [DrupalCamp London](
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
- drupal
- Personal
- personal
Today was my last day working at [Precedent]( Next week, I'll be starting my [new job]( " Developer") at the [Drupal Association]( working on Drupal's home - [](
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use:
- posts
- drupal
- drupal Association
- Personal
- drupal-association
- personal
This is just a quick post to thank everyone for their comments and congratulations after my previous post about [joining the Drupal Association](/blog/drupal-association). I’m looking forward to my first day in the job tomorrow.
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ use:
- posts
slug: git-format-patch
- Patches
- patches
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Git
- git
## The Problem
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ use:
- posts
- drupal
- Drush
- Drush Make
- drupal Bristol
- Talks
- drush
- drush-make
- drupal-bristol
- talks
Here are my slides from this month's talk night at the [Drupal Bristol user group](
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ slug: updating-features-and-adding-components-using-drush
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Drush
- Features
- drush
- features
If you use the [Features module]( to manage your Drupal configuration, it can be time consuming to update features through the UI, especially if you are working on a remote server and need to keep downloading and uploading files.
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ use:
description: How to use an SASS each loop to easily add multiple fonts to your CSS.
slug: include-css-fonts-using-sass-each-loop
- Compass
- compass
- drupal-planet
- Fonts
- fonts
- sass
Using a file structure similar to this, organise your font files into directories, using the the font name for both the directory name and for the file names.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use:
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Servers
- servers
Download the [Stage File Proxy]( module from and enable it on your site.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ slug: pantheon-settings-files
- drupal
- drupal-planet
- Pantheon
- pantheon
- settings.php
I was recently doing some work on a site hosted on [Pantheon]( and came across an issue, for which part of the suggested fix was to ensure that the `$base_url` variable was explicitly defined within settings.php (this is also best practice on all Drupal sites).
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags:
- drupal
- drupal-6
- drupal-7
- drupal 8
- drupal-8
- drupal-planet
- settings.php
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ tags:
- drupal-6
- drupal-7
- drupal-planet
- Email
- email
draft: true
[Reroute Email]( module uses `hook_mail_alter()` to prevent emails from being sent to users from non-production sites. It allows you to enter one or more email addresses that will receive the emails instead of delivering them to the original user.
@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ nav: blog
- posts
- drupal Association
- drupalCamp London
- Personal
- drupal-sssociation
- drupalcamp-london
- personal
tweets: true
A lot happened in 2014. Here are some of the main things that I'd like to highlight:
## Joined the Drupal Association
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ nav: blog
- posts
- Drupal
- Drupal 7
- Drupal Planet
- drupal
- drupal 7
- drupal-planet
title: 'How to Define a Minimum Drupal Core Version'
Reference in a new issue