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+title: Experimenting with the Default Content module
+date: 2024-09-16
+permalink: daily/2024/09/16/experimenting-with-the-default-content-module
+  - software-development
+  - drupal
+  - drupal-modules
+  - php
+cta: ~
+snippet: |
+  I've recently been experimenting with the Default Content module.
+drupal_planet: true
+I recently sent a database to a client whose new Drupal website I'm building.
+I'd populated it with some default users, nodes and menu links that they'd be able to review after they import the database into their hosting.
+That worked well, but I've also recently been using the [Default Content module][0] which exports entities into YAML and saves them as code alongside the configuration.
+Now I can install the website from scratch using the exported configuration to re-add the content types, block types, etc, and by enabling a custom module, all the default content will also be recreated.
+I can tear the site down now and rebuild it as often as I like and avoid contaminating my environment with any rogue configuration or content changes.
+Everything is reproducible.
+I also wouldn't have needed to send the database to the client. They could have installed Drupal and followed the same steps I would do locally and got exactly the same result.
+I like this approach and can see me using it more on future projects.
+[0]: https://www.drupal.org/project/default_content