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Submit your session proposal for DrupalCon Europe
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Oliver Davies 2025-03-18 23:15:36 +00:00
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title: Submit your session proposal for DrupalCon Europe
date: 2025-03-09
permalink: daily/2025/03/09/submit-your-session-proposal-for-drupalcon-europe
- software-development
- drupal
- drupalcon
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The call for session proposals is currently open for DrupalCon Europe. Have you submitted yours?
The call for session proposals is currently open for DrupalCon Europe, which is happening in Vienna this October.
The tracks are slightly different this year.
The tracks are:
- Agency & Business.
- Coding & Site Building.
- Community Health.
- Clients & Industry Experience.
- Drupal CMS.
- InfoSec & DevOps.
- Open Web.
I'm happy to be on the Coding & Site Building track team this year, having been on the Makers & Builders track previously.
The call for proposals is open until the 28th of April, but feel free to [get your session proposal in now][0].
For more information and blog posts from the track teams, go to <>.
If you're submitting to the Coding & Site Building track, I'll look forward to reading your proposal.