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2022-03-04 19:05:49 +00:00
2023-01-01 16:47:23 +00:00
layout: ~/layouts/PageLayout.astro
2022-03-04 19:05:49 +00:00
title: Things you should know about PHP
2023-04-19 17:00:00 +00:00
export const email = "oliver@oliverdavies.uk";
2022-10-07 08:14:10 +00:00
Thanks for attending my [Things you should know about PHP](/talks/things-you-should-know-about-php) talk.
I hope that you learned some things about PHP, its ecosystem, and its communities, and if you haven't tried using PHP yet, I'd encourage you to do so.
Here are links to the resources that I mention in the talk, plus a couple of extras.
2022-03-04 19:05:49 +00:00
## Resources
- [The PHP Foundation](https://thephp.foundation) - non-profit to support, advance, and develop the PHP language
- [PHP-FIG](https://www.php-fig.org) - PHP Framework Interop Group
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- [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) - dependency manager
- [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org) - content management system
- [Jigsaw](https://jigsaw.tighten.co) - static site generator
- [Laravel](https://laravel.com) - framework
- [Nomad PHP](https://nomadphp.com) - online user group
- [PHP official images on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/_/php)
- [PHPStan](https://phpstan.org) - static analysis tool
- [PHPUnit](https://phpunit.de) - testing framework
- [Pest](https://pestphp.com) - testing framework
- [Psalm](https://psalm.dev) - static analysis tool
- [Sculpin](khttps://sculpin.io) - static site generator
- [WordPress](https://wordpress.org) - content management system
- [php.net](https://www.php.net) - online documentation
- [php[architect]](https://www.phparch.com) - online magazine
## Books
- [Laravel: Up & Running](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/laravel-up/9781492041207)
- [Symfony: The Fast Track](https://symfony.com/book)
## Videos
- [Codecourse](https://codecourse.com)
- [How to Code Well](https://www.howtocodewell.net)
- [Laracasts](https://laracasts.com)
- [SymfonyCasts](https://symfonycasts.com)
## Podcasts
- [How to Code Well podcast](https://howtocodewell.fm)
- [PHPUgly](https://www.phpugly.com)
- [Talking Drupal](https://talkingdrupal.com)
- [The Laravel Podcast](https://laravelpodcast.com)
- [The PHP Roundtable](https://phproundtable.com)
- [Voices of the elePHPant](https://voicesoftheelephpant.com)
## Can I help?
Do you want to introduce PHP to your company or team, or add one of these tools to your existing PHP application?
I offer consulting calls and services to reduce your onboarding time and get you up and running quicker and easier.
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class="inline-flex items-center py-3 px-6 text-base font-medium text-white no-underline rounded-md duration-200 ease-in-out hover:bg-white focus:bg-white bg-blue-primary transition-color hover:text-blue-primary focus:text-blue-primary"
href={`mailto:${email}?subject=Book in my call`}
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