date: 2024-11-07
topic: Drush and Laravel Prompts
- Jess Archer
id: 8f4510b0
- - Jess' website
- https://jessarcher.com
- - Jess on X
- https://x.com/jessarchercodes
- - Laravel
- https://laravel.com
- - Laravel Prompts
- https://laravel.com/docs/prompts
- - Drush
- https://www.drush.org
- - Unveiling Laravel Prompts (Laracon US 2023)
- https://youtu.be/PW-2_-KxF-8?si=7Z8i9yqxsgmi-4oH
talking_points: []
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In this episode, Oliver and Jess Archer (Laravel core Team Member) discuss Laravel Prompts and Drush, PHP, Linux and working on the command line with tools like Neovim and tmux.