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2024-03-09 23:35:00 +00:00
title: Create a Flickr Photo Gallery Using Feeds, CCK and Views
date: 2010-06-28
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a photo gallery which uses
photos imported from Flickr.
- drupal-planet
- drupal-6
- photo-gallery
- views
- cck
- imagecache
- feeds
- filefield
- flickr
- imagefield
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a photo gallery which uses photos
imported from [Flickr](http://www.flickr.com).
The modules that I'll use to create the Gallery are:
- [CCK](http://drupal.org/project/cck)
- [Feeds](http://drupal.org/project/feeds)
- [Feeds Image Grabber](http://drupal.org/project/feeds_imagegrabber)
- [FileField](http://drupal.org/project/filefield)
- [ImageAPI](http://drupal.org/project/imageapi)
- [ImageCache](http://drupal.org/project/imagecache)
- [ImageField](http://drupal.org/project/imagefield)
- [Views](http://drupal.org/project/views)
The first thing that I did was to create a content type to store my imported
images. I named it 'Photo', removed the Body field, and added an Image field.
Next, I installed and configured the Feeds and Image Grabber module. I used an
overridden default Feed to import my photos from Flickr using the following
- **Basic settings:** I changed the Refresh time to 15 minutes.
- **Processor settings:** I changed the content type to 'Photo', and the
author's name from 'anonymous'.
- **Processor mapping:** I added a new mapping from 'Item URL (link)' to 'Photo
(FIG)'. The Photo FIG target is added by the Image Grabber module.
Next, I needed to create the actual Feed, which I did by clicking 'Import'
within the Navigation menu, and clicking 'Feed'. I gave it a title, entered the
URL to my RSS feed from Flickr, and enabled the Image Grabber for this feed.
Once the Feed is created, the latest 20 images from the RSS feed are imported
and 20 new Photos nodes are created. In the example below, the image with the
'Photo' label is the Image field mapped by the Image Grabber module. It is this
image that I'll be displaying within my Gallery.
With the new Photo nodes created, I then created the View to display them.
The View selects the image within the Photo content type, and displays in it a
grid using an ImageCache preset. The View is limited to 20 nodes per page, and
uses a full pager if this is exceeded. The nodes are sorted by the descending
post date, and filtered by whether or not they are published, and only to
include Photo nodes.
As an additional effect, I also included the 'Feeds Item - Item Link' field,
which is basically the original link from the RSS feed. By checking the box the
exclude the item from the display, it is not shown, but makes the link available
to be used elsewhere. By checking the box 'Re-write the output for this field'
on the 'Content: Photo' field, I was able to add the replacement token (in this
case, [url]) as the path for a link around each image. This meant that when
someone clicked a thumbnail of a photo, they were directed to the Flickr website
instead of the node within my Drupal site.