--- title: Include CSS Fonts by Using a SASS each Loop excerpt: How to use an SASS each loop to easily add multiple fonts to your CSS. tags: - compass - drupal-planet - fonts - sass --- {% block excerpt %} How to use an @each loop in SASS to quickly include multiple font files within your stylesheet. {% endblock %} {% block content %} Using a file structure similar to this, organise your font files into directories, using the the font name for both the directory name and for the file names. ```language-bash . ├── FuturaBold │ ├── FuturaBold.eot │ ├── FuturaBold.svg │ ├── FuturaBold.ttf │ └── FuturaBold.woff ├── FuturaBoldItalic │ ├── FuturaBoldItalic.eot │ ├── FuturaBoldItalic.svg │ ├── FuturaBoldItalic.ttf │ └── FuturaBoldItalic.woff ├── FuturaBook │ ├── FuturaBook.eot │ ├── FuturaBook.svg │ ├── FuturaBook.ttf │ └── FuturaBook.woff ├── FuturaItalic │ ├── FuturaItalic.eot │ ├── FuturaItalic.svg │ ├── FuturaItalic.ttf │ └── FuturaItalic.woff ``` Within your SASS file, start an `@each` loop, listing the names of the fonts. In the same way as PHP's `foreach` loop, each font name will get looped through using the `$family` variable and then compiled into CSS. ```language-scss @each $family in FuturaBook, FuturaBold, FuturaBoldItalic, FuturaItalic { @font-face { font-family: #{$family}; src: url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.eot'); src: url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/#{$family}/#{$family}.svg##{$family}') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } } ``` When the CSS has been compiled, you can then use in your CSS in the standard way. ```language-scss font-family: "FuturaBook"; ``` {% endblock %}