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I assume, like most Mac OS X users, I use MAMP to run Apache, MySQL and PHP locally whilst developing. I also use virtual …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/07/02/create-virtual-hosts-mac-os-x-using-virtualhostx">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Change the Content Type of Multiple Nodes Using SQL</h2> <p class="posted text-light">1st July 2010</p> <p>In this post, I will be changing values within my Drupal 6 site's database to quickly change the content type of multiple nodes. I will be using a test development site with the core Blog module installed, and converting Blog posts to a custom content type called 'News article'. Before changing …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/07/01/change-content-type-multiple-nodes-using-sql">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Create a Flickr Photo Gallery Using Feeds, CCK and Views</h2> <p class="posted text-light">28th June 2010</p> <p>In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a photo gallery which uses photos imported from Flickr. The modules that I'll use to create the Gallery are: CCK Feeds Feeds Image Grabber FileField ImageAPI ImageCache ImageField Views The first thing that I did was to create a content type to store my imported images. I named it 'Photo', removed …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/06/28/create-flickr-photo-gallery-using-feeds-cck-and-views">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>10 Useful Drupal 6 Modules</h2> <p class="posted text-light">25th June 2010</p> <p>Aside from the obvious candidates such as Views, CCK etc, here are a list of 10 contributed modules that I currently use on each Drupal project. So, in no particular order: Admin: The admin module provides UI improvements to the standard Drupal admin interface. I've just upgraded to the new 6.x-2.0-beta4 version, …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/06/25/10-useful-drupal-6-modules">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Create a Block of Social Media Icons using CCK, Views and Nodequeue</h2> <p class="posted text-light">23rd June 2010</p> <p>I recently decided that I wanted to have a block displayed in a sidebar on my site containing icons and links to my social media profiles - Twitter, Facebook etc. I tried the Follow module, but it lacked the option to add extra networks such my Drupal.org account, and my …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/06/23/create-block-social-media-icons-using-cck-views-and-nodequeue">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Improve JPG Quality in Imagecache and ImageAPI</h2> <p class="posted text-light">2nd June 2010</p> <p>Whilst uploading images for my Projects and Testimonials sections, I noticed that the Imagecache-scaled images weren't as high a quality the originals on my Mac. I did some searching online and found out that, by default, Drupal resamples uploaded jpgs to 75% of their original quality. To increase the quality of …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/06/02/improve-jpg-quality-imagecache-and-imageapi">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Quickly Import Multiples Images Using the Imagefield_Import Module</h2> <p class="posted text-light">29th May 2010</p> <p>Thanks to Bob at Mustardseed Media for tweeting about this module. It's undoubtedly saved me hours of work today alone! I've recently started a personal project converting a website to Drupal. It's currently a static HTML/CSS site which also uses the Coppermine Photo Gallery. As part of building the new website, …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/05/29/quickly-import-multiples-images-using-imagefieldimport-module">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Create a Slideshow of Multiple Images Using Fancy Slide</h2> <p class="posted text-light">25th May 2010</p> <p>Whilst updating my About page, I thought about creating a slideshow of several images instead of just the one static image. When I looking on Drupal.org, the only slideshow modules were to create slideshows of images that were attached to different nodes - not multiple images attached to one node. …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/05/25/create-slideshow-multiple-images-using-fancy-slide">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Quickly Create Zen Subthemes Using Zenophile</h2> <p class="posted text-light">10th May 2010</p> <p>If you use the Zen theme, then you should also be using the Zenophile module! The Zenophile module allows you to very quickly create Zen subthemes from within your web browser, as well as editing options such as the site directory where it should be placed, the layout type (fixed or …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/05/10/quickly-create-zen-subthemes-using-zenophile">Read more →</a> </li> <li class="post"> <h2>Conditional Email Addresses in a Webform</h2> <p class="posted text-light">6th May 2010</p> <p>I created a new Webform to serve as a simple Contact form, but left the main configuration until after I created the form components. I added 'Name', 'Email', 'Subject' and 'Message' fields, as well as a 'Category' select list. Below 'Options', I entered each of my desired options in the …</p> <a href="/blog/2010/05/06/conditional-email-addresses-webform">Read more →</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="pager"> <li class="next"><a href="https://www.oliverdavies.uk/blog/page/8.html">Newer ā</a></li> <li class="previous"><a href="https://www.oliverdavies.uk/blog/page/10.html">ā Older</a></li> </ul> </main> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="panel badges text-center"> <a class="badge--da-member" href="https://assoc.drupal.org/membership" title="Iām a Drupal Association member."> <img src="//www.oliverdavies.uk/assets/images/da-individual-member.png" alt="Drupal Association Individual Member" width="152" > </a> <a href="http://drupalcores.com/#opdavies"> <img alt="I built Drupal 8 with hand holding a wrench on blue background" src="//www.oliverdavies.uk/assets/images/drupal-8.jpg" /> </a> <img src="//www.oliverdavies.uk/assets/images/badges/acquia-certified-developer-drupal-8.png" alt="Acquia Certified Developer - Drupal 8 Exam Badge" height="147" width="147" /> <a href="http://conference.phpnw.org.uk/phpnw17"> <img src="//www.oliverdavies.uk/assets/images/badges/phpnw17.png" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="availability panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading">Availability</div> <div class="panel-body"> <p> <i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up text-warning"></i> Currently have limited part-time capacity </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down text-danger"></i> Currently no spare full-time capacity. </p> </div> </div> <div class="latest-posts panel panel-default"> <div class="latest-posts__heading panel-heading">Latest blog posts</div> <ul class="list-group"> <li class="post list-group-item"> <span class="post__title"> <a href="/blog/2017/06/09/introducing-the-drupal-meetups-twitterbot"> Introducing the Drupal Meetups Twitterbot </a> </span> - <span class="post__date">9th June, 2017</span> </li> <li class="post list-group-item"> <span class="post__title"> <a href="/blog/2017/05/20/turning-drupal-module-into-feature"> Turning Your Custom Drupal Module into a Feature </a> </span> - <span class="post__date">20th May, 2017</span> </li> <li class="post list-group-item"> <span class="post__title"> <a href="/blog/2017/05/15/drupalcamp-bristol-early-bird-tickets-sessions-sponsors"> DrupalCamp Bristol 2017 - Early Bird Tickets, Call for Sessions, Sponsors </a> </span> - <span class="post__date">15th May, 2017</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="container"> <p class="copyright"> © 2010-2017 Oliver Davies. 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