{{ podcast.name }}: {{ episode.title }}
{{ episode.description }}
{{ episode.video ? 'Watch' : 'Listen to' }} this {{ podcast.name }} episode →--- layout: default title: Podcasts podcasts: talking_drupal: name: Talking Drupal episodes: - title: 'Episode #175 - Automated Testing' description: I joined the Talking Drupal team to discuss automated testing. podcast: talking_drupal date: 2018-09-05 url: http://talkingdrupal.com/175 - title: 'Episode #204 - A Few Things' description: I joined the Talking Drupal team again, where we discussed Drupal updates, conferences and more. podcast: talking_drupal date: 2019-03-25 url: http://talkingdrupal.com/204 ---
{{ episode.description }}
{{ episode.video ? 'Watch' : 'Listen to' }} this {{ podcast.name }} episode →