#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SITE_ENV="prod" REPO=`git config remote.origin.url` SSH_REPO=${REPO/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:} SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD` SOURCE_BRANCH="source" TARGET_BRANCH="master" BUILD_DIR=".build" # Prepare the build directory. # git clone $REPO $BUILD_DIR mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR cp -R .git $BUILD_DIR pushd $BUILD_DIR git fetch git checkout $TARGET_BRANCH || git checkout --orphan $TARGET_BRANCH popd rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/**/* || exit 0 # Re-generate the site. npm run prod vendor/bin/sculpin generate --no-interaction --clean --env=${SITE_ENV} touch output_${SITE_ENV}/.nojekyll # Add, commit and push the changes. mv output_${SITE_ENV}/* $BUILD_DIR pushd $BUILD_DIR git add --all . git commit -m "Re-generate site: $SHA" git push $SSH_REPO $TARGET_BRANCH popd rm -rf $BUILD_DIR