title: Speakers and sessions announced for DrupalCamp Bristol 2019
excerpt: DrupalCamp Bristol is returning next month, and the accepted speakers and sessions have just been announced.
tags: [drupalcamp, drupalcamp-bristol, dcbristol]
<p class="lead" markdown="1">DrupalCamp Bristol is returning next month for a one-day, single-track conference, and we have just finished announcing the accepted sessions and speakers. It includes a mixture of new and returning speakers, presenting sessions including **Drupal in a microservice architecture**, **Automate to manage repetitive tasks with Ansible** and **Doing good with Drupal**.</p>

Find out more about all of our sessions and speakers on [the DrupalCamp Bristol website][website], as well as view the schedule for the day.

Also, at the time of writing, [early bird tickets are still available][tickets] for a few more days!

In the meantime, the videos from the 2017 Camp are on [our YouTube channel][youtube], including the opening keynote from [Emma Karayiannis][emma]:

{% include 'video-embed' with {
    classes: 'video-full',
    video: {
        id: 'honnav4YlAA',
        attr: {
            height: '315',
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} %}

[emma]: https://twitter.com/embobmaria
[tickets]: https://2019.drupalcampbristol.co.uk/tickets
[website]: https://2019.drupalcampbristol.co.uk
[youtube]: https://opdavi.es/dcbristol17-videos