--- layout: default title: About meta: description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.' og: title: 'Oliver Davies - Drupal Developer' description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.' type: website image: url: /assets/images/oliver.jpg width: 327 height: 327 type: image/jpg tools: - { title: Drupal, website: https://www.drupal.org } - { title: Symfony, website: http://symfony.com } - { title: Silex, website: http://silex.sensiolabs.org } - { title: Sculpin, website: https://sculpin.io } - { title: CentOS, website: https://www.centos.org/about } - { title: Git, website: http://git-scm.com } - { title: Ansible, website: http://www.ansible.com } use: [posts, testimonials] --- # About Me <img src="{{ site.gravatar.url }}?s=200" alt="Picture of Oliver" class="me img-circle"> My name is Oliver Davies (aka [opdavies][1]), I’m a Web Developer and System Administrator based in Wales, UK. I’m a PHP specialist, a {{ site.work.role }} at [{{ site.companies[site.work.company].name }}][20], former Developer at the [Drupal Association][39], part-time freelancer, open source contributor, mentor and conference speaker. I’m a provisional member of the [Drupal Security team][14] and a webmaster and documentation maintainer for Drupal.org. I speak at various conferences and user groups, co-organise [Drupal Bristol][15] and [PHPSW][17], and am a co-founder and co-organiser of [DrupalCamp Bristol][18]. ## Proficiencies - PHP, Drupal (6, 7, 8), Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Sculpin, Jekyll - PHPUnit, SimpleTest, Behat - HTML, Twig, CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Grunt, Gulp - Linux (Debian, Red Hat), Vagrant, Docker, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Fabric ## Elsewhere - [Twitter][21] - @{{ site.twitter.name }} - [Drupal.org][22] - [GitHub][23] - [Packagist][24] - [Ansible Galaxy][25] - [Speaker Deck][26] - [LinkedIn][27] - [YouTube][28] - [Reddit][36] - [Stack Overflow][37] - [Disqus][38] - IRC (freenode) - {{ site.irc.name }} [1]: https://www.google.com/#q=opdavies [2]: https://www.drupal.org [3]: http://symfony.com [4]: http://git-scm.com [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux [6]: http://www.ansible.com [7]: https://assoc.drupal.org [8]: https://www.microserve.io [9]: http://precedent.com [10]: http://www.nomensa.com [11]: https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies/issue-credits/3060 [12]: https://www.drupal.org/project/user/381388 [13]: https://www.drupal.org/user/381388/people-mentored [14]: https://www.drupal.org/security-team [15]: http://www.drupalbristol.org.uk [16]: https://groups.drupal.org/wales-uk [17]: https://phpsw.uk [18]: http://www.drupalcampbristol.co.uk [19]: {{site.url}}/talks/ [20]: {{site.companies[site.work.company].url}} [21]: {{site.twitter.url}} [22]: {{site.drupalorg.url_new}} [23]: {{site.github.url}} [24]: {{site.packagist.url}} [25]: {{site.ansible_galaxy.url}} [26]: {{site.speakerdeck.url}} [27]: {{site.linkedin.url}} [28]: {{site.youtube.channel_url}} [29]: http://silex.sensiolabs.org [30]: https://laravel.com [31]: https://sculpin.io [32]: https://docs.puppet.com/guides/faq.html#what-is-puppet [33]: {{site.joindin.url}} [34]: https://www.ctidigital.com [35]: {{site.wordpress.url}} [36]: https://www.reddit.com/user/opdavies [37]: http://stackoverflow.com/users/3012648/opdavies [38]: https://disqus.com/by/opdavies [39]: {{site.companies.drupal_association.url}}