title: DrupalCamp Bristol 2018 Statement
date: 2018-01-30
excerpt: Unfortunately, we won’t be running DrupalCamp Bristol this year.
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It’s with heavy hearts that we are announcing there won’t be a DrupalCamp
Bristol 2018. The committee have looked at the amount of work required to put
the camp on and the capacity we all have and the two numbers are irreconcilable.

Seeing Drupalists from all over the country and from overseas come to Bristol to
share knowledge and ideas is something we take pride in. The past three camps
have been fantastic, but as a trend we have left it later and later to organise.

This year is the latest we have left to organise and we believe this is because
we are all a bit fatigued right now, so it seems like a good place to stop and
take stock.

In our washup of last year’s camp we spoke a lot about what DrupalCamp is and
who it is for. Traditionally we have tried to get a good mix of speakers from
within the Drupal community and from the wider tech community. This does mean we
dilute the ‘Drupal’ aspect of the camp, but the benefits it brings in terms of
bringing together different views gives the camp greater value in our eyes.

It’s because of this mix of talks and wider shifts in the community in ‘getting
us off the island’ that we have been thinking about rebranding to reflect the
mix of talks that the camp hosts. The fact is DrupalCamps don’t just cover
Drupal anymore. There is Symfony, Composer, OOP principles, React, etc.

We’ll take the gap this year to reevaluate who DrupalCamp Bristol is for and
where it fits into the schedule of excellent tech events that take place in
Bristol through the year, and we look forward to seeing you in 2019, refreshed
and more enthusiastic than ever!

The DrupalCamp Bristol organising committee

Tom, Ollie, Emily, Sophie, Rob, Mark