title: Some useful links for using SimpleTest in Drupal
slug: some-useful-links-using-simpletest-drupal
  - simpletest
  - tdd
  - test-driven-development
  - drupal-planet
  - drupal
use: [posts]
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Here are some useful links that I've found when researching about unit testing in Drupal using SimpleTest.
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Here are some useful links that I've found when researching about unit testing in Drupal using SimpleTest:

* [An Introduction to Unit Testing in Drupal](http://www.lullabot.com/blog/articles/introduction-unit-testing-drupal "An Introduction to Unit Testing in Drupal")
* [Module Developer's Guide to SimpleTest](http://www.lullabot.com/blog/articles/drupal-module-developers-guide-simpletest "Module Developer's Guide to SimpleTest")
* [SimpleTest Tutorial (Drupal 6)](https://drupal.org/simpletest-tutorial "SimpleTest Tutorial (Drupal 6)")
* [SimpleTest Tutorial (Drupal 7)](https://drupal.org/simpletest-tutorial-drupal7 "SimpleTest Tutorial (Drupal 7)")
* [SimpleTest Reference](https://drupal.org/node/278126 "SimpleTest Reference")
* [Testing with SimpleTest](https://drupal.org/node/1128366 "Testing with SimpleTest")
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