{% extends 'default' %} {% block breadcrumb %} <div class="breadcrumb border-b border-grey-lighter mb-6 -mt-6 bg-grey-lightest"> <div class="container mx-auto px-4"> <ul class="flex pl-0 mb-0"> <li class="list-reset flex items-center"> <a class="inline py-2" href="{{ site.url }}/">Home</a> {% include "svg/chevron-right" with { class: 'text-grey-light mx-1', style: "height: 20px" } %} </li> <li class="list-reset flex items-center"> <a class="inline py-2" href="{{ site.url }}/blog">Blog</a> {% include "svg/chevron-right" with { class: 'text-grey-light mx-1', style: "height: 20px" } %} </li> <li class="list-reset flex truncate"> <span class="inline py-2 truncate">{{ page.title }}</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> {% endblock %} {% block content_wrapper %} {% include 'post/header' %} {% include 'post/intro-image' %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} {% include 'post/twitter-link' %} {% include 'post/tags' %} {% include 'post/pager' %} {% include 'post/about-author' %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script> {% endblock %}