title: Drupal Association
date: 2014-05-03
excerpt: Next week, I'll be working for the Drupal Association.
  - drupal
  - personal

Today was my last day working at [Precedent](http://www.precedent.com). Next
week, I'll be starting my
[new job](https://assoc.drupal.org/node/18923 'Drupal.org Developer') at the
[Drupal Association](http://assoc.drupal.org) working on Drupal's home -

I was at Precedent for just over a year and had the opportunity to work on
several Drupal projects from project leading to ad-hoc module and theme
development, including my largest Drupal build to date.

I was also lucky enough to go to
[DrupalCon Prague](http://prague2013.drupal.org) as well as
[DrupalCamp London](http://2014.drupalcamplondon.co.uk).

I was able to [contribute some code](https://drupal.org/project/eventsforce)
back into the community and encourage other team members to do the same.

It was good to be able to introduce some new tools like
[Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com), [Puppet](http://www.puppetlabs.com),
[SASS](http://www.sass-lang.com) and [Compass](http://www.compass-style.org)
into the team. I was pleased to introduce and champion the
[Git Flow](http://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet 'Git Flow Cheat Sheet')
branching model, which them became the standard approach for all Drupal
projects, and hopefully soon all development projects.

Working for the Drupal Association and on Drupal.org was an opportunity that I
couldn't refuse, and is certainly going to be a fun and interesting challenge. I
can't wait to get started!