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# Speaker Info

## Bio

[Oliver Davies][website] ([@opdavies][twitter]) has been building websites since 2007, and speaking at meetups and conferences since 2012. He is a Full Stack Developer and an Acquia certified Drupal Grand Master, who also has
experience developing with Symfony, Laravel, Sculpin and Vue.js, as well as with DevOps and systems administration.

He is a {{ site.work.role }} at [{{ site.companies[site.work.company].name }}][work], a Drupal core contributor and mentor, and an open source and contribution advocate.

He regularly blogs and gives talks on various topics, maintains and contributes to various open source projects, and co-organises the PHP South Wales user group.

[twitter]: {{site.twitter.url}}
[website]: {{site.url}}
[work]: {{site.companies[site.work.company].url}}

## Photos

- <https://www.dropbox.com/s/den3ww3lpve08fa/precedent_thumb.jpg>
- <https://www.dropbox.com/s/etrahx3hq2vpqcb/phpnw17.png>

## Some Events I’ve Spoken At

- BlueConf 2019
- DrupalCamp Brighton 2015
- DrupalCamp Bristol 2016
- DrupalCamp Dublin 2017
- DrupalCamp London (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019)
- DrupalCamp North 2015
- DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019
- Nomad PHP
- PHP North West 2017 (10 year anniversary)
- PHP South Coast 2016
- PHP UK Conference 2018
- WordCamp Bristol 2019