layout: default
    description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.'
        title: 'Oliver Davies - Drupal Developer'
        description: 'The personal website and blog of Oliver Davies, a Drupal Developer and System Administrator from Wales, UK.'
        type: website
            url: /assets/images/oliver.jpg
            width: 327
            height: 327
            type: image/jpg
# About

<img src="{{ site.gravatar.url }}?s=125" alt="Picture of Oliver" class="img-circle">

I’m a <a href="{{ site.drupalorg.url_nice }}">Drupal specialist</a> based in the UK, with experience of PHP and Symfony development and Linux server administration.

I’ve been working with Drupal and PHP since 2007, when I started as a hobbyist and part-time freelancer. I’ve been working full-time with Drupal since 2010 - including over a year at the [Drupal Association](https://assoc.drupal.org/about/) working on improving and maintaining [Drupal.org](https://www.drupal.org).

I’m currently a Lead Developer at [CTI Digital](https://www.ctidigital.com/), and I also run my own freelance business.

I’m a Drupal <a href="{{ site.drupalorg.url_nice }}/issue-credits/3060">core contributor</a> and <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/user/{{ site.drupalorg.uid }}">contrib project maintainer</a>, have successfully <a href="{{ site.drupalorg.url }}/people-mentored">mentored new contributors</a> online and in-person since DrupalCon Prague in 2013, and am a provisional member of the [Drupal Security Team](https://www.drupal.org/security-team).

I’m an avid user and advocate of the [Git](http://git-scm.com) version control system, and am the [Git documentation maintainer](https://www.drupal.org/node/2248627#comment-8887789) for the Drupal project.

I [regularly speak](/talks/) at conferences and user groups, organise Drupal meetups in [Cardiff](https://groups.drupal.org/wales-uk) and [Bristol](http://drupalbristol.org.uk), and am a co-organiser of [PHPSW](http://phpsw.uk). I’m also a founding committee member of [DrupalCamp Bristol](http://www.drupalcampbristol.co.uk).

I build static websites with [Sculpin](https://sculpin.io), am currently learning [Symfony](http://symfony.com/) and [Silex](http://silex.sensiolabs.org/), and contribute to other open-source projects including [Drupal VM](http://www.drupalvm.com) (a Vagrant and Ansible based virtual environment for Drupal development), [COD](http://usecod.io) (the conference organising distribution, built on Drupal), and various [Puppet](https://puppetlabs.com/puppet/what-is-puppet/) modules and [Ansible](http://www.ansible.com/how-ansible-works) roles.

You can follow me on <a href="{{ site.twitter.url }}">Twitter</a> and <a href="{{ site.linkedin.url }}">LinkedIn</a>, and you can view my code on <a href="{{ site.drupalorg.url }}/track/code">Drupal.org</a> and <a href="{{ site.github.url }}?tab=activity">GitHub</a>.