title: Quickly Create Zen Subthemes Using Zenophile
excerpt: How to use the Zenophile module to create a Zen subtheme.
  - drupal-planet
  - drupal-6
  - drupal-modules
  - drupal-theming
  - zen
  - zenophile
If you use the [Zen](http://drupal.org/project/zen) theme, then you should also be using the [Zenophile](http://drupal.org/project/zenophile) module!

The Zenophile module allows you to very quickly create Zen subthemes from within your web browser, as well as editing options such as the site directory where it should be placed, the layout type (fixed or fluid), page wrapper and sidebar widths, and the placement of the sidebars.

For more information about the Zenophile module, check out [this video](http://blip.tv/file/2427703) by [Elliott Rothman](http://elliottrothman.com).