title: Dancing for Drupal
description: A talk on Drupal, presented alongside others representing Umbraco, Sitecore and Episerver.
    id: ffa9b6dea6dc4a8eb207b9982ed6e1bd
    ratio: '1.33333333333333'
    url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/umbristol-dancing-for-drupal
tags: [meetup, umbristol, drupal]
tweets: yes
    - event: umbristol
      date: 2015-08-25
As part of their [CMS Dance-Off][1], I was selected to speak about Drupal alongside other speakers representing Umbraco, Sitecore and Episerver.

The points to cover were:

* How does your CMS store configuration data, 'structure' and content?
* How do you manage source-control, versioning and deployment?
* How do you manage multiple simultaneous editors and/or developers?
* How do you manage upgrades?
* What are the 3 best things about your CMS?
* What are the 3 worst things about your CMS?
* What does the future of your CMS look like?

In each point, tried to cover the differences between Drupal core and developing a project using Drupal, as well as between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8, as things like source control and versioning would be approached differently.

[1]: http://www.meetup.com/umBristol/events/223807592