--- layout: default title: Podcasts podcasts: howtocodewell: name: How to Code Well talking_drupal: name: Talking Drupal episodes: - title: 'Episode #175 - Automated Testing' description: I joined the Talking Drupal team to discuss automated testing. podcast: talking_drupal date: 2018-09-05 url: http://talkingdrupal.com/175 audio: true - title: 'Episode #204 - A Few Things' description: I joined the Talking Drupal team again, where we discussed Drupal updates, conferences and more. podcast: talking_drupal date: 2019-03-25 url: http://talkingdrupal.com/204 audio: true - title: What's new in Drupal 8+ description: Talking about Drupal, open source, Drupal 7 vs Drupal 8, module development, testing and more. podcast: howtocodewell date: 2019-04-12 url: https://howtocodewell.fm/episode/15-whats-new-in-drupal-8-plus-oliver-davies-interview audio: true video: true --- {% macro episodeTitle(podcast, episode) -%} {{ podcast.name }}: {{ episode.title }} {%- endmacro %} {% import _self as helpers %} <!-- <header class="mb-6"> <p class="text-lg"> I’m an occasional guest on podcasts such as Talking Drupal. </p> </header> --> <div class="spaced-y-10"> {% for episode in page.episodes|reverse %} {% set podcast = page.podcasts[episode.podcast] %} <article> <h2 class="text-lg"> {% if episode.url %} <a href="{{ episode.url }}" class="text-inherit" tabindex="-1"> {{ helpers.episodeTitle(podcast, episode) }} </a> {% else %} {{ helpers.episodeTitle(podcast, episode) }} {% endif %} </h2> <time class="text-sm text-gray-800 block mt-px mb-2" datetime="{{ episode.date|date('Y-m-d') }}"> {{ episode.date|date('jS F Y') }} </time> <p>{{ episode.description }}</p> {% if episode.url %} <a href="{{ episode.url }}" class="inline-block mt-2 text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-800 focus:text-gray-800"> {% if episode.video %} Watch {{ episode.video and episode.audio ? 'or listen to' }} {% elseif episode.audio %} Listen to {% endif %} this <span class="visuallyhidden">{{ podcast.name }}</span> episode → </a> {% endif %} </article> {% endfor %} </div>