layout: default
title: Talks
nav: talks
  description: 'Information about previous and upcoming talks that Oliver has presented at conferences and user groups'
  - date: 2012-09-05
    location: unified.diff
    description: <a href="http://vimeo.com/49827006">So, what is this Drupal thing?</a> - an introduction to Drupal.
      - user-group
      - drupal
  - date: 2013-07-10
    location: South Wales Drupal User Group
    description: An overview of the Drupal LDAP module and how I customised it for a client project.
      - user-group
      - drupal
      - ldap
  - date: 2014-03-01
    location: DrupalCamp London
    description: <a href="/blog/what-git-flow">Never Commit to Master</a>: An Introduction to Git Flow.
      - conference
      - drupalcamp
      - git
      - git-flow
  - date: 2014-07-02
    location: Drupal Bristol User Group
    description: <a href="/blog/drush-make-drupalbristol">drush make drupalbristol</a>: An introduction to Drush and Drush Make.
      - user-group
      - drush
      - drush-make
  - date: 2014-08-09
    location: South Wales Drupal User Group
    description: An impromptu talk about the <a href="https://assoc.drupal.org">Drupal Association</a> and I've done there since joining the team.
      - user-group
      - drupal-association
  - date: 2015-01-18
    location: DrupalCamp Brighton
    description: Drupal.org in 2015: What's coming next?
      - conference
      - drupalcamp
      - drupalorg
      - drupal-association
  - date: 2015-02-28
    location: DrupalCamp London
    description: Drupal.org in 2015: What's coming next?
      - conference
      - drupalcamp
      - drupalorg
      - drupal-association
  - date: 2015-04-08
    location: PHPSW
    description: <a href="https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies/drupal-8">Drupal 8</a> (lightning talk)
      - user-group
      - drupal
      - drupal-8

{% set now = 'now'|date('U') %}
{% set talks = page.talks|reverse %}

{% set found = false %}
{% for talk in talks if talk.date >= now %}
  {% if loop.first %}
    {% set found = true %}
    <h2>Upcoming Talks</h2>
  {% endif %}

  {% include 'talk-listing-item' %}
{% endfor %}
{% if found %}
{% endif %}

{% set found = false %}
{% for talk in talks if talk.date < now %}
  {% if loop.first %}
    {% set found = true %}
    <h2>Previous Talks</h2>
  {% endif %}

  {% include 'talk-listing-item' %}
{% endfor %}
{% if found %}
{% endif %}