title: Oliver Davies subtitle: Full Stack Web Developer (Drupal, Symfony, Laravel, Linux) description: 'Oliver Davies, Drupal Developer' email: oliver+website@oliverdavies.uk apple_touch_icon_sizes: [ 57, 114, 72, 144, 60, 120, 76, 152 ] favicon_sizes: [ 160, 96, 32, 16 ] author: Oliver Davies avatar: url: /images/me-precedent.jpg favicon: url: /images/me-phpnw.png imports: - data/availability.yml - data/companies.yml - data/events.yml - data/links.yml - data/menus.yml - data/work.yml messages: - enabled: true start: 2020-02-01 end: 2020-03-16 text: | Oliver is giving a workshop, 'Automated Testing and Test Driven Development with Drupal 8' next month at [DrupalCamp London](https://drupalcamp.london). Find out more! paths: - /^\/(articles|talks)\/.+$/ - enabled: false start: 2020-03-01 end: 2020-03-16 text: | Oliver is giving a workshop, 'Automated Testing and Test Driven Development with Drupal 8' this month at [DrupalCamp London](https://drupalcamp.london). Find out more! paths: - /^\/(articles|talks)\/.+$/