title: Oliver Davies subtitle: Drupal Developer & System Administrator description: Oliver Davies, Drupal Developer email: oliver+website@oliverdavies.uk author: name: Oliver Davies bio: Oliver Davies is a Drupal Developer and System Administrator based in the UK. He is a Senior Developer at Microserve and also provides freelance consultancy services for Drupal websites, PHP applications and Linux servers. twitter: url: http://twitter.com/opdavies name: opdavies linkedin: url: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/opdavies drupalorg: url: https://www.drupal.org/user/381388 url_nice: https://www.drupal.org/u/opdavies name: opdavies uid: 381388 github: url: http://github.com/opdavies name: opdavies irc: name: opdavies lanyrd: url: http://lanyrd.com/profile/opdavies joindin: url: https://joind.in/user/view/27119 ansible_galaxy: url: https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/users/14560 gravatar: url: http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e0f6adcd63d8393e689b327e978d0887.png flickr: url: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133286555@N04 speakerdeck: url: https://speakerdeck.com/opdavies apple_touch_icon_sizes: [ 57, 114, 72, 144, 60, 120, 76, 152 ] favicon_sizes: [ 160, 96, 32, 16 ] main_menu: experience: { title: Experience, href: /experience/ } testimonials: { title: Testimonials, href: /testimonials/ } talks: { title: Talks, href: /talks/ } blog: { title: Blog, href: /blog/ } contact: { title: Contact, href: /contact/ } meetups: swdug: name: SWDUG logo: swdug.png url: http://swdug.org.uk drupalbristol: name: Drupal Bristol logo: drupal-bristol.jpeg url: https://groups.drupal.org/bristol-west-uk phpsw: name: PHPSW logo: phpsw.jpeg url: http://phpsw.uk swlug: name: SWLUG logo: swlug.png url: http://swlug.org.uk accbristol: name: Accessible Bristol logo: accessible-bristol.png url: http://www.accessiblebristol.org.uk udiff: name: Unified Diff logo: unified-diff.png url: http://unifieddiff.co.uk hightlightjs_style: default digitalocean_referral: a913b4b00d4a default_date_format: jS F, Y fuzzy_date_format: F Y title_separator: "|" html_lang: en-GB availability: status: day: { available: no, start: ~, end: ~ } evenings: { available: limited, start: 2015-08-10, end: ~ } text: day: yes: Available for day contract work no: Not available for day contract work evenings: yes: Available for weekend/evening freelance work limited: Limited availability for weekend/evening freelance work no: Not availabile for weekend/evening freelance work