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                <h2>Announcing the Drupal VM Generator</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">15th February 2016</p>

                                    <p>For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a personal side project, based on Drupal VM. It’s called the <a href="https://github.com/opdavies/drupal-vm-generator">Drupal VM Generator</a>, and over the weekend I’ve added the final features and fixed the remaining issues, and tagged the 1.0.0 release.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2016/02/15/announcing-the-drupal-vm-generator/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Programmatically Load an Entityform in Drupal 7</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">22nd December 2015</p>

                                    <p>I recently had my first experience using the <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/entityform">Entityform module</a> in a project. It was quite easy to configure with different form types, but then I needed to embed the form into an overlay. I was expecting to use the <code>drupal_get_form()</code> function and render it, but this didn’t work.</p>

<p>Here are the steps that I took to be able to load, render and embed the form.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2015/12/22/programmatically-load-an-entityform-in-drupal-7/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Automating Sculpin Builds with Jenkins CI</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">21st July 2015</p>

                                    <p>As part of re-building this site with Sculpin, I wanted to automate the deployments, as in I wouldn&#039;t need to run a script like publish.sh locally and have that deploy my code onto my server. Not only did that mean that my local workflow was simpler (update, commit and push, &hellip;</p>
                <a href="/blog/2015/07/21/automating-sculpin-jenkins/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Sculpin and Twig Resources</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">19th July 2015</p>

                                    <p>Here’s a list of resources that I compiled whilst preparing for my <a href="http://drupalcampnorth.org/session/test-drive-twig-sculpin">Sculpin and Twig talk</a> at <a href="http://drupalcampnorth.org">DrupalCamp North</a>.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2015/07/19/sculpin-twig-resources/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Updating Forked Repositories on GitHub</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">18th June 2015</p>


People may or may not know, but this site runs on Sculpin, a PHP based static site generator (this may be the first time that I&#039;ve mentioned it on this site). The source code is hosted on GitHub, and I&#039;ve listed the site on the Community page on the Sculpin &hellip;</p>
                <a href="/blog/2015/06/18/updating-forked-repositories-on-github/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>How to Define a Minimum Drupal Core Version</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">3rd April 2015</p>

                                    <p>This week, my first code patch was committed to Drupal core. The patch adds the user_has_role() function to the user module, to simplify the way to check whether a user in Drupal has been assigned a specific role. This is something that I normally write a custom function for each &hellip;</p>
                <a href="/blog/2015/04/03/how-to-define-a-minimum-drupal-core-version/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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<p class="posted text-light">20th March 2015</p>

                                    <p>A lot happened in 2014. Here are some of the main things that I'd like to highlight.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2015/03/20/2014/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Include a Local Drupal Settings file for Environment Configuration and Overrides</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">20th December 2014</p>

                                    <p>How to create and include a local settings file to define and override environment-specific variables, and keep sensitive things like your database credentials and API keys safe.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2014/12/20/include-local-drupal-settings-file-environment-configuration-and-overrides/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Include environment-specific settings files on Pantheon</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">27th November 2014</p>

                                    <p>I was recently doing some work on a site hosted on <a href="http://getpantheon.com">Pantheon</a> and came across an issue, for which part of the suggested fix was to ensure that the <code>$base_url</code> variable was explicitly defined within settings.php (this is also best practice on all Drupal sites).</p>

<p>The way that was recommended was by using a <code>switch()</code> function based on Pantheon's environment variable. For example:</p>

                <a href="/blog/2014/11/27/pantheon-settings-files/">Read more &rarr;</a>
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                <h2>Using Remote Files when Developing Locally with Stage File Proxy Module</h2>

<p class="posted text-light">20th November 2014</p>

                                    <p>How to install and configure the <a href="https://www.drupal.org/project/stage_file_proxy">Stage File Proxy</a> module to serve remote images on your local Drupal site.</p>

                <a href="/blog/2014/11/20/using-remote-files-when-developing-locally-with-stage-file-proxy-module/">Read more &rarr;</a>

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                        <a href="/blog/2017/07/13/publishing-sculpin-sites-with-github-pages/">
                            Publishing Sculpin Sites with GitHub Pages
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                    <span class="post__date">13th July, 2017</span>
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                        <a href="/blog/2017/06/09/introducing-the-drupal-meetups-twitterbot/">
                            Introducing the Drupal Meetups Twitterbot
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                    <span class="post__date">9th June, 2017</span>
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                            Turning Your Custom Drupal Module into a Feature
                    </span> -
                    <span class="post__date">20th May, 2017</span>
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                &copy; 2010-2017 Oliver Davies. Built with <a href="https://sculpin.io">Sculpin</a>.

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